Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am struck by how valuable humor is. I found an Abbott and Costello old time radio podcast and have been laughing like crazy since.....and I simply feel better. As many of you know, my oldest son has struggled with adolescence and that struggle has led to some behavior that has been, to say the least, frustrating. One of the ways Judy (my wife) and I have dealt with the frustration is to laugh about it, to use humor to ease the pain of our disappointment, fear and frustration. When it comes to preaching or teaching a little humor goes a long way to keep attention and communicate hard truths.

1 comment:

B. Kyle said...

Laughter is indeed grand.

I am reminded, however, of a snippet from SNL, one of the "Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy."

"Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis."

I always thought that one was funny. But laughing is good. You have a good laugh, Jim.