Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Man I miss football. I know all you baseball fans out there are cursing me right now. But I love football. To me, there is no greater sport that combines strength, skill, and teamwork like football. After the NFL draft on April 26-27 we will be in football purgatory. That place of waiting, filled with boredom, withdrawal, weeping and gnashing of teeth. But wait, there is the AFL. That's right the Arena Football League plays football until July 27. I know arena ball is filled with guys who couldn't make it in the NFL and they have that weird guy running full speed to the line of scrimmage. But is is still football and pretty exciting. And if you are a Monday Night Football fan, guess what? There is an AFL game televised every Monday Night on an ESPN channel. Talk about high scoring, last week Orlando beat Grand Rapids 75 to 56. If you love football, check out the AFL.

1 comment:

B. Kyle said...

Baseball fan here, cursing you right now.

Just kidding.

Arena football is pretty interesting to watch. The "rebounds" from missed kicks are pretty weird, though.