Monday, May 12, 2008


So a friend is coming over this evening to drink Cafe Cubano and talk politics. This is a new one for me, not because of the coffee, but because of the political conversation. I usually don't like to talk about politics. And to be completely honest, I really only have a cursory interest and knowledge of the American Political scene. I know who is running for President, I know which party controls congress. I have an idea of the major hot spots in the world as far as The United States is concerned. I think I know who I am going to vote for. I am aware of some of the political issues facing our country right now. I have an opinion on things like health care, immigration, Iraq, the environment, etc.

The real issue for me is that I have lost confidence in our political system. I am just not sure that anyone who can get elected in our country can make a difference. It just seems like we will have the same kinds of people making the same kinds of decisions and the real significant change that I think our country needs will never come because we have a self perpetuating system that is broken. George Washington when leaving office warned the young government to avoid the trap of bipartisan politics. I think he was right.


Unknown said...

For the first time in my young life, I am feeling pretty apathetic. Most likely, I will not vote in the upcoming election.

Chase Abner said...

I'm jealous of your coffee/politics evening. I love both. And you're not so bad either.

Unlike Chelsea, however, I can't imagine not voting in a presidential election. I'm not above voting for the strongest third party candidate just to try and buck the two-party system.

Mark said...

I share your disenchanment with politics. I used to get really fired up about it.

But now I've seen how little difference the guys I vote for manage to actually make. Depressing.

I'll vote, but without much enthusiasm.

DT Boy said...

I do not have great enthusiasm for politics but I think it is a good and important thing for us to be involved. I think God has given us that voice in this country and it is a blessing. I know that no elected official will give this country the change they need but that does not stop me from knowing what it is going on.

amanda weber said...

i, too, am somewhat uninterested in politics. i once made the mistake of saying to one of my coworkers that i don't think the president makes all that much impact on my life. i will never say that out loud again. but i still sortof feel that way.